外籍新生北大深研院六号楼下合影 Group photo
On August 26,PKUSZ welcomed its int’l students.Over 80 students joined the activity,to explore the amazing city,on its 43rd birthday as the Special Economic Zone.
初探环游记 The Bus Tour
红胖子观光巴士Hongpangzi Sightseeing Buses
旅途上的破冰介绍Ice breaking introduction
On the bus,students took turn to introduce themselves,getting to know the big family better,before paying a visit to Xili Lake Int’l Talent Comm. Center.
参观西丽湖人才服务中心 A Visit to ITCC & TYSCE
Students were guided through the center,getting to know Shenzhen’s effort to support international talents.
参观西丽湖人才服务中心 A Visit to ITCC & TYSCE
As the bus tour continued,students were introduced to Nanshan CBD, Nantou Ancient City, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, Window of the World, Happy Valley and Splendid China.
世界之窗 Window of the World
南头古城 Nantou Ancient City
锦绣中华 Splendid China
草地音乐节 The Music Show
When the bus tour ended, PKUSZ was ready for the music show.
草地音乐节现场 The music live show
北京大学深圳研究生院党委副书记安晓朋,汇丰商学院副院长Young Joon Park,汇丰商学院国际办公室主任毛娜进行开幕致辞并对新一届国际学生们的到来表示热烈欢迎。
PKUSZ leaders An Xiaopeng, Young Joon Park and Mao Na gave opening speeches, welcoming all international students.
AN Xiaopeng Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School
汇丰商学院副院长Young Joon Park
Young Joon Park Vice Dean of Peking University HSBC Business School
MAO Na Director of International Office,Peking UniversityHSBC Business School
Hosted by the second-year student Rafael, the music show kicked off. Students enjoyed themselves, with food, drinks, games and music.

活动现场 Event Site
Thanks for the strong support from Taoyuan Sub-district for this event. The activity brought a sense of belonging to all international students at PKUSZ. And it is an integral part of PKUSZ’s ongoing international education effort.